Jasper Lewis

Singer-Songwriter : Guitarist : Producer : Events : Lessons : Music Therapy


June 2024

Introducing: The Monthly Update.

June is over now and July is here.  It's been hot.  

Coming out of the pandemic I made a decision to retire from performing, from self promoting, from chasing the ghost of a childhood dream.  But moving to Los Angeles reinvigorated me.  The artists I've met and seen here have convinced me to give it another go.  It's been about three or four months since I started taking that notion seriously.  It's been a big change for me, but not one that you'd see if you were watching me through the keyhole of social media.

Since January I've upgraded my home studio, worked on a new record, and even played a couple of showcase shows out in the city.  Hotel Cafe has become my favorite haunt, and I've performed at both their Monday Monday and Open Folk shows.  I'll be back in August to perform at the Desert 5 Spot - a new favorite venue -  on August 6th, and Open Folk again on August 13th.  July looks to be a quiet month from the performing standpoint.

I have made a great deal of progress on the album.  I can't wait until it's ready to share.  I have the batch of songs all but finalized and only two more to record.  Then, there's mixing, mastering, all that work that has to be done to get the music ready for your ears.  I truly believe it will be done by the end of this year, but, I also have to work for a living.  Time is a precious commodity.

I would love to hear from you.   Send a message of encouragement, a simple hello, or offer to pay me large sums of money to perform at your event using the contact form on this site.  And, if you read this far, I must give you something as a thank you:  This month I have seen a lot of great performers and songwriters at Hotel Cafe, but two songs have stuck out to me and have been playing on repeat in my speakers since I first heard them:  The Sounds That Keep You Up At Night, by Adrian Bourgeois; and Casual, by Lucy Clearwater.  I hope you enjoy!